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Empowering Women in Business

Professionally She is a premier community for ambitious women in business, powered by Nicole Giamundo of M1 Academy. 


Bringing women together to mastermind, support and uplift each other in business and adding an emphasis on mental health.  


The National Institute of Health reports that 57.8 million people live with some form of mental illness. Professionally She wants to help eliminate the negative narrative that mental health struggles should be kept secret. 

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At Professionally She, we are dedicated to creating a supportive space for women in business to share their successes, journeys, and challenges. In partnership with M1 Academy, we offer opportunities for coaching and consulting, alongside our semi-monthly calls. Our commitment to supporting women sets us apart, as we focus on making a difference by providing a platform for women to speak openly about both their triumphs and struggles.

Upcoming Events

Professionally She Launch Call 
June 27, 2024 @ 10 AM PST / 1 PM EST 
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